Linguagem, procedimentos e pragmatismo na tradição neoclássica


  • pt Pt Fundação Getulio Vargas.Escola Brasileira de Economia e Finanças



Methodology, Neoclassical tradition, Pragmatism


The paper discusses the criticisms put forward by Duaer, Medeiros e Painceira (2001) to the interpretation Igive to severo/ methodological aspects ofthe neoclassical research program. The Identification ofa hard core in the neoclassical program seems to present severa! difficuíties given the apparent nonexistence ofconsensualimplications among the many neoclassical models. In myviewpoint. the neoclassical program does not share a common view ofwhat should be implied by the theory, but a set ofprocedures that should be followed in formal and empiricol analysis. The development offormal arguments is akin to the process of mathematical development. as discussed by Lakatos (1976). The large set ofabstract concepts and formal modelsresulting from this process. often with contradictory assumptions or implications, characterizes a language with almost no consensualimplication about economicvariables. The severo/theoretical approaches in the neoclassical tradition are characterized by the choice ofthe particular formal model that should be used as well as by the set ofauxiliary assumptions that are considered to be acceptable. The paper concludes discussing the inevitable difficulties associated with any rationalresearch program that intends to be realistic. I believe that the avenue taken by the neoclassical research program rests on the pragmatic approach characterized to some extent by the use ofthe models' empirical implications in the process ofproposing and redefming beliefs on economic variables behavior.


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How to Cite

Pt, pt. (2001). Linguagem, procedimentos e pragmatismo na tradição neoclássica. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 31(4), 785-823.