Irreversibilidade, incerteza e teoria econômica reflexões a respeito do indeterminismo metodológico e de suas aplicações na ciência econômica


  • Alain Herscovici Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Departamento de Economia



ergodicity, irreversibility, methodological indeterminism


The objective of this paper is to apply the methodological principle of indeterminism to the Economic Science. This implies the definition of two kinds of economic universes: one characterized by ergodicity and by the reversibility of time and economic processes, and the other by the opposite properties. The first part will deal with the construction of the subject of study and the nature of the proper analysis to these two universes. Taking such dicotomy into account, the second part will examine its implications as regards the nature of probabilities and the guiding processes of the agent's decisions.


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How to Cite

Herscovici, A. (2004). Irreversibilidade, incerteza e teoria econômica reflexões a respeito do indeterminismo metodológico e de suas aplicações na ciência econômica . Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 34(4), 805-825.