Capacitações dinâmicas, coordenação e cooperação interfirmas: as visões Freeman-Lundvall e Teece-Pisano


  • Robson Antonio Grassi Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Departamento de Economia



dynamic capabilities, inter-firm cooperation, contracts


This article shows that the "dynamic capabilities" approach - when treated in respect to inter-firm cooperation - can be divided into two distinct views for theoretical analysis about coordination: (i) the "Freeman-Lundvall" view searches for interfaces with sociology analysis; and (ii) the "Teece-Pisano" view is in theoretical perspective very near transaction costs analysis. This article concludes that the "Teece-Pisano" view is the unique between both that is compatible with a contract theory, and that allow for considering an important source of competitive advantage - the economy of transaction costs. Thus, the "Teece-Pisano" view is more relevant if cooperation is treated, in theoretical perspective, as a subordinated strategy in the capitalist competition process.


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How to Cite

Grassi, R. A. (2006). Capacitações dinâmicas, coordenação e cooperação interfirmas: as visões Freeman-Lundvall e Teece-Pisano . Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 36(3), 611-635.