Crime social, castigo social: desigualdade de renda e taxas de criminalidade nos grandes municípios brasileiros


  • João Paulo de Resende Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
  • Mônica Viegas Andrade Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais



Income Inequality, Crime, Public Policy


Economic theory suggests that income inequality contributes to the increase of crime. Indeed, this is a recurrent result in Brazilian studies, which usually work with homicide data. The international literature, however, tends to explore data for different types of crimes, for which the results aren't always so strong. This paper explored the criminal report database from the Brazilian National Department for Crime Prevention for large cities, which afforded the possibility of unbundling crime rates into different types of crime.The results reveal a significant effect of inequality mostly upon property crimes. As this category of crime responds for the great majority of registered criminal offenses, income inequality takes a central role in determining crime rates in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Resende, J. P. de, & Andrade, M. V. (2011). Crime social, castigo social: desigualdade de renda e taxas de criminalidade nos grandes municípios brasileiros. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 41(1), 173-195.