Marx and the division of the average profit into interest and profit of enterprise


  • Claus M. Germer Universidade Federal do Paraná



division of the average profit, profit of enterprise and interest, marxist theory of interest, profit and interest in Marx, marxist economy


The concept of the qualitative division of the average profit into profit of enterprise and interest, developed by Marx, was an important theoretical accomplishment, since it made it possible to coherently ground the conceptualization of interest as part of surplus value, once the average profit rate and its materialization in the average profit of each capital have been formed. The aim of this paper is to develop and formalize a few implications of this conceptualization. The extension and the formalization of the implications of the division of the average profit, worked out by Hilferding on the basis of Marx's indications, made it possible to reveal a new dimension of the role of the credit system in enhancing the process of accumulation. The paper shows that the simple rate of profit of enterprise looses relevance as an indicator or the profitability of the individual capitals, and suggests and attempts to ground the use of a new indicator, at the same time as it points to the relevance of a new and decisive element in the theoretical analysis of the profit rates of individual capitals.


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How to Cite

Germer, C. M. (2011). Marx and the division of the average profit into interest and profit of enterprise. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 41(2), 297-322.