Tax reform: the macroeconomics and setorial effects of PEC 233/2008


  • Nelson Leitão Paes Universidade Federal de Pernambuco



tax reform, efficiency, simplification, general equilibrium, welfare


In spite of a disappointed historical, the Brazilian government sent a new tax reform proposal to the National Congress, PEC 233/2008. The proposals unify some of the federal consumption taxes into a federal VAT, simplifies ICMS legislation, reduce investment and social securities rates and rates applied to essential goods. In order to analyze this change, it was constructed a general equilibrium model with 55 firms of the economy. The results suggest a moderate expansion of aggregate output, consumption, employment and investment with a little loss in revenues and a gain in welfare. Also, we have substantial changes in sectorial output, with a tendency of increasing the share of farm and industrial sectors in detriment of services.


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How to Cite

Paes, N. L. (2011). Tax reform: the macroeconomics and setorial effects of PEC 233/2008. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 41(2), 487-512.