Uma análise da ciclicidade da política fiscal brasileira


  • Sérgio Ricardo de Brito Gadelha Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional
  • José Angelo Divino Universidade Católica de Brasília



Procyclical Fiscal Policy, Informal economy, Corruption, Capital flows, Tax base variability


A vast theoretical and empirical literature states that fiscal policy in developing countries
is procyclical, whereas in industrialized countries fiscal policy is countercyclical
or acyclical. Using fiscal and macroeconomic monthly data covering the period from
March 2002 to July 2011, the results obtained from GMM estimations in static and
dynamic models indicate procyclical fiscal policy in Brazil, where the theories about tax
base variability, corruption, and informal economy contribute to explain this behavior. However, the theory about international credit constraint does not find empirical support
in the analyzed period.


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How to Cite

Gadelha, S. R. de B., & Divino, J. A. (2013). Uma análise da ciclicidade da política fiscal brasileira. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 43(4), 711-743.