Previsão dos preços de commodities por meio das taxas de câmbio


  • Davi Rosolen Louis Dreyfus Commodities
  • Michael Viriato Araujo Insper Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa
  • Marco Tulio Lyrio Insper Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa



Commodities, Exchange rate, Granger causality test, Forecasting model


This paper aims to model and predict the behavior of commodity prices using the
exchange rates of commodity-exporting countries. Understanding commodity price
dynamics is important for a proper control of inflation and planning of production. Our
results point to a causality relation between the exchange rate and commodity prices
for all countries under study except South Africa and Argentina. For Australia, Brazil,
Canada, Chile, Colombia and New Zealand the exchange rate is an important piece
of information to forecast commodity prices in-sample. For Australia and Canada, this
relation is also significant out-of-sample. Our results confirm those of Chen, Rogoff
and Rossi (2010) and extend that work to the cases of Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia.


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How to Cite

Rosolen, D., Araujo, M. V., & Lyrio, M. T. (2013). Previsão dos preços de commodities por meio das taxas de câmbio. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 43(4), 813-830.