O espectador imparcial de Adam Smith e o observador ideal de John Rawls: uma crítica à ética utilitarista


  • Solange Regina Marin Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • André Marzulo Quintana Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Cezar Augusto Pereira Santos Universidade Federal de Santa Maria




Adam Smith, John Rawls, Impartial spectator, Ideal observer


John Rawls justifies the utilitarianism on the conception of ideal observer that is present
on the theories of 18TH century Scottish sentimentalists, particularly on the theories of
David Hume and Adam Smith. As the thesis of utilitarianism is not so explicit and accessible
on the views of both Scottish philosophers, we intend, in this paper, to confront
the thesis of Smith´s impartial spectator and the critique of Rawls on the conception
of ideal observer as the foundation of utilitarianism. We observe greater breadth to the
impartial spectator in relation to the utilitarian ideal observer in moral choices.


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How to Cite

Marin, S. R., Quintana, A. M., & Santos, C. A. P. (2015). O espectador imparcial de Adam Smith e o observador ideal de John Rawls: uma crítica à ética utilitarista. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 45(1), 185-214. https://doi.org/10.1590/0101-4161201545185sac