Critérios de classificação para ocupação informal: consequências para a caracterização do setor informal e para a análise de bem-estar no Brasil


  • Carlos Henrique Corseuil Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada
  • Mauricio Cortez Reis Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada
  • Alessandra Scalioni Brito Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada



Informal sector


In this paper we aim to analyze how sensible is the informal worker profile to distinct
classification procedures, as well as to analyze the sensibility of the link between informality
and welfare to the same procedures. A disaggregated analysis by employers and
employees is one contribution of the paper, which also innovates using information
on being included in an official tax payer administrative file (CNPJ) to one of the classification
procedures employed to the employers. Two out of three procedures share
very similar results in terms of informal worker profile and the link between informality
and welfare. These are the procedure based on social security contribution, and the
one based on CNPJ for employers and based on legal labor contracts for employees.


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Bibliografia Complementar

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How to Cite

Corseuil, C. H., Reis, M. C., & Brito, A. S. (2015). Critérios de classificação para ocupação informal: consequências para a caracterização do setor informal e para a análise de bem-estar no Brasil. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 45(1), 5-31.