Alocação de tempo em trabalho pelas mulheres brasileiras


  • Vivian dos Santos Queiroz Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Jorge Alberto Orellana Aragón Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Women's participation, Working hours, Family, Heckit model, Double hurdle model


This article investigates the working hours of women in the Brazilian labor market using
data from Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílio (National Household Survey)
or PNAD of 2011. A heckit model and double hurdle model are used to estimate the
women’s participation in the workforce and hours worked. The main results indicate
that marriage and motherhood reduce the women labor supply. However, education,
head of household and access to childcare collaborate to raise female participation
in the labor force. Spouse’s income collaborates to reduce female participation in the
workforce. Finally, to encourage the entry of women into the labor market, the public
policies should be directed to increase the investment in women’s education and in
the childcare supply.


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How to Cite

Queiroz, V. dos S., & Aragón, J. A. O. (2015). Alocação de tempo em trabalho pelas mulheres brasileiras. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 45(4), 787-819.