Intergenerational persistence of education in Brazil: the case of the metropolitan region of Recife


  • Michela Barreto Camboim Gonçalves Fundação Joaquim Nabuco
  • Raul da Mota Silveira Neto Universidade Federal de Pernambuco



education, intergeneration persistence, mobility, poverty trap


The main objective of this work is to verify if the social changes in Brazil in recent decades impacted positively in increased rates of intergenerational mobility of education. Since based on the PNAD data of 1996’s, Brazil is cited as one of the countries with the lowest intergenerational mobility in income and education in the world. Thus, this study provides results on intergenerational mobility of education in the metropolitan areas of Brazil in 1996, with results to a more recent period for the Metropolitan Region of Recife in 2010, based on data from Fundaj. The main results presented here confirm what the persistence of education among parents and children in Brazil is very high and heterogeneous. The probability of a child whose father has no education to replicate the educational status of his father is 30%, very high value for the year when so many educational opportunities are available.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, M. B. C., & Neto, R. da M. S. (2013). Intergenerational persistence of education in Brazil: the case of the metropolitan region of Recife. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 43(3), 435-463.