Um estudo sobre a distribuição das transferências para o setor de saúde no Brasil


  • Juliana Barby Simão Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Escola de Economia de São Paulo
  • Veronica Ines Fernandez Orellano Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Escola de Economia de São Paulo



Federal grant receipts, Health care, Distribution, Flypaper effect


This paper investigates the existence of a positive relationship between municipal per
capita revenues – which includes local taxes and unconditional lump sum federal grant
receipts - and federal grants received through the Unified Health System (Sistema
Único de Saúde – SUS) by the brazilian municipalities. Considering the redistributive
aspect, this relationship may not be socially desirable, since richer municipalities
would benefit from greater grant receipts destined to health care. Fixed effect panel
data models were estimated, using municipal information from 2002 to 2010. Data
was mostly obtained from Departamento de Informações do SUS (DATASUS) and
Sistema de Informações sobre Orçamentos Públicos em Saúde (SIOPS), both from
the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Our results show that municipal revenue has indeed a
positive and unexpected impact on federal grant receipts destined to health care. We
also identified some evidence that there may be political factors influencing the federal
grants received through the SUS.


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Author Biography

  • Veronica Ines Fernandez Orellano, Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Escola de Economia de São Paulo

    Professora da Escola de Economia de São Paulo da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EESP/FGV-SP). 

    Professora da FEARP-USP de 1999 a 2003.


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How to Cite

Simão, J. B., & Orellano, V. I. F. (2015). Um estudo sobre a distribuição das transferências para o setor de saúde no Brasil. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 45(1), 33-63.