Inequality aversion and preferences for redistribution: Does the perception of economic mobility affect them in Brazil?


  • Yasmín Salazar Méndez Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Fábio Domingues Waltenberg Universidade Federal Fluminense



inequality aversion, preferences for redistribution, prospects of future mobility


The notion that redistribution is from the rich to the poor a priori could lead to the conclusion that the poor are the main supporters of redistributive policies, since they are the potential beneficiaries. Nevertheless, evidence for developed countries suggests that inequality aversion and preferences for redistribution are shaped by factors beyond pecuniary concerns. This paper analyzes the effect of subjective economic mobility on inequality aversion and on the demand for redistribution, employing a unique dataset collected in 2012, which is representative of the Brazilian population. In contrast with theoretical predictions and empirical evidence for developed countries, results suggest that even people who aspire to ascend socially in the future dislike inequality and support redistributive policies. Individuals who perceived a decline in their social situation have also shown support for redistribution, which is a more standard result. Both sets of results are confirmed by estimations undertaken on subsamples defined according to family income. Some hypotheses are raised attempting to explain the unexpected results.


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Author Biography

  • Fábio Domingues Waltenberg, Universidade Federal Fluminense
    Sua pesquisa concentra-se em: análise econômica de políticas sociais, economia da educação, do trabalho e da saúde.


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ISBN: 978-0-230-33821-0.






How to Cite

Méndez, Y. S., & Waltenberg, F. D. (2016). Inequality aversion and preferences for redistribution: Does the perception of economic mobility affect them in Brazil?. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 46(1), 91-125.