About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Education and Research publishes only previously unpublished articles in the field of education and does not consider manuscripts concurrently submitted for publication in books or other periodicals in Brazil or abroad. Manuscripts are assessed first by the members of the editorial board. The manuscripts which do not comply with the journal´s editorial criteria are returned to their authors. The compliant ones are assessed by reviewers appointed by the editorial board. Manuscripts must be submitted via the journal's page in the SciELO publishing system (http://www.scielo.org/php/index.php).

Submissions take six months on the average to complete the review process, then be approved or rejected. The time frame may vary according to the complexity of the reviews and the changes suggested, if any, and then implemented. The dates when the article was received and approved are shown in published text. For each of the journal's volume, the editorial board establishes the criteria to sort out the articles approved.

Editorial policies

In order to expand practices of open science, thus ensuring transparency in the production of knowledge, authors are requested to utilize original data in their researches, which clearly explain all the variables, conditions by which the materials under analysis were treated, and the methodologies employed to produce the data analyzed in the study, in order to provide sufficient documentation to make it possible to understand the choices and conditions under which the results were achieved.

Intellectual Property

The content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type CC-BY. The content published before 2023 is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type CC-BY-NC.

The on line journal has open and free access, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

Copyright and licensing policy

When publishing in Education and Research, authors retain the copyright to their texts but without receiving any fees.

Authors are allowed to take over additional editorial contracts, free of any ties with the jornal, for publicize the article by other means (e.g.: institutional repository or chapter of a book), provided that the main source is mentioned, with the references of the same authorship and the data in the original publication.

Ideas and opinions contained in the article are the sole responsibility of the author, and they are not necessarily corroborated by the journal.


Ethics and plagiarism policy

The editorial policies of the jornal Education and Research have been established in compliance with the guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Ethical Principles

Education and Research abides by principles of ethics and respect regarding the academic culture and the intellectual production. A continuous dialogue is maintained with authors, reviewers and readers concerning the need of changes, proofreading, clarifications or retractions.

The journal Education and Research guarantees the independence of its editorial process regardless of any commercial or financial interests.


Conflicts of Interest

In case the research undertaken or the publication of the article may raise any doubts about potential conflicts of interest, the author(s) must make a declaration stating that links to funding organizations or commercial/political institutions have not been omitted. Likewise, the institution authors are associated with, or might have assisted in carrying out the study must be mentioned to clarify that there are no conflicts of interest whatsoever with the results presented in the article.


Similarities between the content of the manuscript submitted and articles and/or chapters of books previously published will be analyzed by the editors-in-chief. Depending on the nature of the similarities, such analysis may result in the initial rejection of the manuscript, in case the similarities indicate that, in relation to its theoretical and methodological framework or results shown, the article is not original. We screen the articles on the internet, through the Google search engine and through the tool iThenticate: Plagiarism Detection Software.


Research Ethics

Should human beings be involved in the research (by means of interviews, experiments etc), the author(s) must follow the ethical procedures established for scientific research. Unless there is specific permission for identification, the anonymity of participants in the research - and, if necessary, of the institutions - must be ensured. The authorization or the restriction to the identification must be stated by the author(s) in an in-text note. The same principle applies to the disclosure of images of people or institutions.


Anti-plagiarism Policy

The articles must be original and unpublished, and authors must make sure that all sources and references of the manuscript are indicated. Compliance with such requirements and conditions will be attentively checked through by the journal Educação e Pesquisa.


Editorial staff action guidelines

Education and Research does not charge submission, evaluation or publication fees for articles.

The decision to either publish or not na article is made based on principles of research ethics and on the disclosure of information, in compliance with the legislation currently in force and the good conducts of the academic culture.

Factors associated with political or ideological standpoints, with ethnic, gender or religious diversity, as well as differences in theoretical and methodological perspectives shall not have an influence on the actions and decisions made along the editorial process.

The publishers will not conduct an editorial process of manuscripts to which a conflict of interests is established.

Publishers will be in charge of ensuring transparency of the editorial process, of questions that may arise from authors or peer reviewers concerning the assessment of manuscripts.


Guidelines on Authorship

Author is defined as the person who has effectively contributed to the conceptualization of the study, the development, the analysis and interpretation of data, as well as the final version of the text. It is recommended that the article should have no more than four authors. In case the article is written by more than four authors, the editor-in-chief and the editoral staff must be provided with the contribution in detail of each author. If an incompatibility of any kind emerges regarding the number of authors and the final results presented in the article, the Editorial Board may either question the authors' participation or reject the manuscript submitted, at its own discretion.


Copyright Statement

When submitting an article for publication in Education and Research, the author agrees with the terms below.

1) The author/s retain the rights to the article, and agree to the Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY License, but this does not imply payment of any amount by the journal.

2) Ideas and opinions contained in the article are the sole responsibility of the author, and they are not necessarily corroborated by the journal.

3) When the article to be publicized somewhere else, full quotation is required to indicate both the name of the author(s) and Education and Research as the first publisher.

4) Once released, the author(s) is/are encouraged to disseminate their work online, provided the first edition is mentioned.


Guidelines for peer reviewers

Assessment of manuscript shall be conducted in strict confidentiality in order to prevent appropriation or disclosure of the information contained in the article, at any area or level.

Peer reviewer shall excuse him/herself from conducting the assessment of manuscripts in which conflict of interest is found.

If a peer reviewer finds that a manuscript has already been published or if it overlapps, in whole or in part, other works previously publicized, he or she shall communicate the fact immediately to the Editorial Board of Education and Research.


Privacy Policy

Names and addresses given to the journal will be for the purpose of publication only and will not be made available or shared with any third parties whatsoever.


Preparation of originals

Guidelines for manuscript submission

Upon submission of an article, authorship and the author’s institutional affiliations shall be filled out in proper spaces in the SciELO System and must not be included in the text. Authorship information is recorded separately, as metadata, accessible by the editors.

Authors who have had their papers published in preprint platforms requirements asked to fill in a form in which they have to inform the previous preprint publication.

The authors undertake, in the case of the production of a version of the article in a language different from the one in which it was previously submitted for evaluation in Education and Research, that it will be carried out based on the final text revised and edited by the Editorial Committee of the journal.

When preparing the manuscript, the following guidelines should be followed:

The manuscript may be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish or English. Articles should be submitted in .DOC or .DOCX (Word for Windows), Times New Roman font, 12-point font size, 1.5 line spacing. Manuscript pages should be numbered sequentially. The body of the manuscript should have a minimum length of 35,000 and a maximum length of 50,000 characters, including spaces and, except the abstract.
The title of the manuscript should be no longer than 15 words and reflect its purpose and content.
The abstract should contain between 200 and 250 words and describe, in an informative manner and without listing topics, the following items: general theme and research problem; objectives; methodology; main results and conclusions. It is recommended that the abstract should be written as a single paragraph, in the active voice, in the third person of the singular, in concise and affirmative sentences. The following items should be avoided: neologisms, bibliographical citations, symbols and abbreviations except those in common use, as well as formulae, equations, diagrams etc., unless absolutely necessary. The journal requires a Portuguese version of the article´s abstract.
The article should have 3 to 5 keywords.
Possible acknowledgements should be cited in a footnote, with no direct or indirect reference to the authorship.
Images (photographs, drawings and maps), tables, charts and graphs should be numbered in Arabic numerals according to the sequence in which they are displayed. The heading should be indicated just above each item. The source of every item should also be indicated. If the image belongs to the materials originally used in the research, it should be followed by the text "Source: data from our research" or "Source: materials created by the author(s)". Maps should include map scale indicators and map keys.
Tables, charts and graphs should be sent in their original files. Tables and charts shall not be accepted if sent as images, since they will be edited. The same applies for graphs. Graphs may contain images, but it must be possible to edit texts and numbers.
Images must be in JPG format with 300 dpi or higher resolution with dimensions that allow them to be reduced expanded without impairing their readability. All images must be submitted as separate files and named according to their references in the text (e.g., Graph 1).
Mathematical formulas displayed in the format of images will not be accepted. All formulas should be displayed in Word or Excel files.
Explanatory footnotes can be used when necessary. Notes should be numbered in Arabic numerals according to the order in which they appear in the text.
Citations in the text should meet the following criteria:
a) quotations of up to three lines should be run in – integrated into the text in the same font size as the text - enclosed in quotation marks and followed by the following information in parentheses: last name of the author of the quote, the year of publication and page numbers;

b) quotations longer than three lines should be set off as block quotations – that is, in a new paragraph with a hanging indent of 4 cm on the left, 11-point font, without quotation marks;

References must conform strictly with the technical standard NBR6023 of August 30, 2002 of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). Only the works cited in the text should be included in the reference list, under the heading References, at the end of the article and on a separate page.

Statistical methods

When employed, statistical methods must be described in sufficient detail to allow a competent reader to access the original data and verification of the results presented, whilst avoiding excessively technical language and presenting results with enough clarity so as to facilitate their understanding by a non-specialized reader. This guidance to authors requires steps such as: seeking, as much as possible, to quantify the results and present them with corresponding indicators of measurement error or uncertainty (for example, confidence intervals); avoiding relying solely on statistical inference tests that convey no relevant quantitative information; discussing the eligibility of the experimentation units; supplying detailed information about randomization and about the observations; discussing the reasonableness of the results, as well as the possible limitations of the method used; specifying the software employed; restricting tables and graphics to the amount necessary to explain the foundations of the article and their robustness; avoiding tables with too many topics and duplication of data; defining statistical terms, abbreviations and symbols used in the article.


Peer-review Process

The articles submitted for publication in Education and Research are all previously assessed by the Editorial Committee. If an article does not meet the journal´s editorial criteria, it will be sent back to its authors; when meeting the criteria, articles will undergo a peer-review; no more than one reviewer will be a member of the School of Education of the University of São Paulo, which is the journal´s institutional publisher. Reviewers must have at least a PhD degree and be a member of scientific institutions. Once a year, the journal publicizes the names of its ad hoc reviewers.

The average evaluation period is 6 months and the average period for publication is 12 months after approval.

The reviewing process of a manuscript will not be disclosed whatsoever during the process. Should any conflict of interest emerge in the analysis of an article, the reviewer shall reject the manuscript.

Should a reviewer find that a text being assessed is not an unpublished manuscript, in whole or in part, Editorial Committee should be promptly notified.

The identification, by the referee, of the absence of originality in the manuscript, in whole or in part, in relation to texts already published must be promptly informed to the Editorial Committee of the journal Educação e Pesquisa.

The review of the manuscripts submitted shall meet the following criteria: theoretical and empirical contents, author's knowledge of scientific literature, relevance of subject, the article's contribution to the specific learning area, originality in the author's approach, methodological justification, text structure and text quality. Reviewers may either recommend the acceptance of the article in its totality, reject it or suggest necessary changes so that the article may be resubmitted. The Editorial Committee may forward such suggestions to the author and, once the alterations have been made, the article may be reassessed by the Editorial Committee or by the same reviewers who suggested the changes.


Manuscript Submission Requirements

All articles resulting from original reasarch sahll be submitted with a footnote in the first page regarding “Data availability”, to inform whether such data are publicly available or not, and how to access them. Data shall Always be available for any inquiries by other researcher(s), observing the restrictions to public access arising from the material characteristics of the data and/or the way they have produced.

The footnote shall indicate the level of access defined to reach the data, including one of the possible readings:

Data availability: The data set supporting the results of this study is not publicly available because [indicate reasons]. Data access may be requested to the authors(s) through the email [email address].
Data availability: The entire set of data supporting thie results of this study has bee published in the very article.
Data availability: The entire set of data supporting the results of this study has been included in the article and are found in the section “Supplementary Materials”.
Data availability: The entire set of data supporting the results of this study has been made available in the [repository´s name]*, accessible at [URL or DOI].
Data availability: The entire set of dada supporting the results of this study was made available in [repositoru´s name] through the identifies [list of identifiers].*
* It is suggested that the following data depository, when available from this level of access, be utilized:

Harvard Numeric Data Services Dataverse

It is recommended that data, methodological instruments and/or analysis materials supporting the article and utilized in conceiving and performing the research be adequately quoted in the paper and listed in the references section, if possible indicating its location in a data repository and with a persistent identifier such as DOI.


How to Refer Research Data:

BARNETT, C.L.; BERESFORD, N.A.; WALKER, L.A.; BAXTER, M.; WELLS, C.; COPPLESTONE, D. Element and radionucleide concentrations in representative species of the ICRP’s reference animals and plants and associated soils from a forest in North-west England. NERC — Environmental Information Data Centre, 2013. Available at: <http://dx.doi.org/10.5285/e40b53d4-6699-4557-bd55-10d196ece9ea> Accessed on 06 Dec 2016.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Office of Applied Studies. Treatment episode data set — discharges (TEDS-D) — concatenated, 2006 to 2011 [Data set]. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR30122.v2 – 2013.
YOON, J; SOFAER, H.R, SILLET, T. S, MORRISON, S.A., GHALAMBOR, C.K. Data from: The relationship between female brooding and male nestling provisioning: does climate underlie geographic variation in sex roles? Journal of Avian Biology, June 2016. Disponível em: < http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.f89h2> Acesso em: 06 dez. 2016.
(In: https://www.aguia.usp.br/noticias/dados-materiais-metodos-revistas-exigem-dados-pesquisa-estejam-disponiveis/)


Declaration of conformity with the journal's rules

As part of the submission process, the author(s) must ensure that their article abides by the rules below. Manuscripts that fail to be in line with these rules will be returned to authors.

a) The manuscript is unpublished and is not being simultaneously submitted to another journal.

b) The authors and coauthors declare to be aware of and agree with the journal´s editorial policy for the publication of articles.

c) The title of the article is no longer than 15 words.

d) The size of the text is within the limits established by the journal: between 35,000 and 50,000 characters (including spaces and references), disregarding the abstract.

e) The abstract does not exceed the limits established: between 200 and 250 words.

f) The references comply with the publishing instructions NBR6023 and NBR10520, set forth by ABNT.

g) The text to be submitted to peer-reviews does not identify its author or the institution the author is associated with. Information about the author(s) will be recorded only as metadata, being accessible to the publishers only.

h) The author(s) is/are aware that, in case the manuscript is approved for publication, the respective abstract must be sent together with the article´s title and keywords translated into English. The full version of the article must be sent to the journal in case it is requested by the Editorial Committee. The expenses resulting from translation and proofreading of the English text will be the author's responsibility.

i) The author declares that the coauthor(s) of the article is/are aware it is being submitted to Education and Research and that no coauthor will be allowed to be included or excluded after submission.

j) The author confirms that the form SciELO-Preprints of Compliance with Open-Science has been filled out and attached to the files submitted for assessment.

k) The author is aware that a new artilcle of their own cannot be submitted for assessment which the editorial process is in progress.