The media pedagogical apparatus: ways of educating on (and through) TV


  • Rosa Maria Bueno Fischer Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Media, Pedagogical apparatus, Subjectivation, Culture


The text discusses the concept of "media pedagogical apparatus", conceived and thought after Michel Foucault's concepts of "apparatus of sexuality" and "modes of subjectivation". Based on this framework, it is shown how the media (and particularly the TV) operate in the constitution of subjects and subjectivities in contemporary society, producing images and significations. That is, knowledge that somehow aim at the "education" of people, teaching them ways of existing and being in their culture. Comments are made in the article on the results of recent studies that have been carried out by the author about the strategies of questioning subjects from different social strata displayed in various television products. These results point to the fact that multiple and complex issues are at play in the communication process through television, related to the manners through which meanings and subjects are produced within the culture. At the same time, based on the pieces of research have been conducted, the text suggests to researchers, teachers, and students the urgent need to transform the media into a subject of study within the school pedagogical practices.


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Em Foco: Educação e Sociedade Midiática

How to Cite

The media pedagogical apparatus: ways of educating on (and through) TV . (2002). Educação E Pesquisa, 28(1), 151-162.