Reading in non-governmental organizations and interrelations with the public school


  • Ana Shitara Inglesi Universidade de São Paulo
  • Idméa Semeghini-Siqueira Universidade de São Paulo



Reading, NGO, Literacy, Public school


Considering the low level of literacy of pupils in fundamental and secondary education in Brazil and, at the same time, the astounding growth in the number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in the field of education during the last decades, the present work attempts to throw a bridge across those two sides of Brazilian education. The investigation has tried to understand the dynamics and influence of Brazilian NGOs, more specifically in the area of reading, having in mind the development of literacy. To such end, a qualitative study of ethnographic features was conducted based mainly on field observations of the activities of an organization, which were analyzed from the perspectives of reading proposed by the theoreticians of psycholinguistics (SMITH, 1999, 2003) and of the aesthetics of reception (JAUSS, 1994, 2002). The aim was one of contributing to the studies about reading and, in particular, of advancing in the new possibilities of education given to us today by the civil society, which have encouraged the search for alternative solutions to a problem that has plagued Brazilian educators for decades. It is considered that through the exchange of ideas and experiences, and through the implementation of projects involving reading, the educational NGOs can contribute to develop a good quality public school without, however, replacing it, leaving to the state its due responsibility.


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How to Cite

Reading in non-governmental organizations and interrelations with the public school . (2011). Educação E Pesquisa, 37(2), 321-338.