Racism: A challenge for bilingual education in Madrid


  • Colegio Irlandesas
  • Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
  • Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha



Palabras clave:

Bilingual education, Inequality, Discrimination, Compulsory Secondary Education, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages


With the increasing prevalence of bilingual public and private schools, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages heavily influences how English is taught in Spain, emphasizing plurilingualism and communicative competence, underlining the importance of education to reduce inequality and discrimination, and improving intercultural understanding. Since bilingual education can greatly impact this scenario (whether positively or negatively), it is important to outline the advantages and disadvantages of bilingual education nowadays. Additionally, we should admit that English language classes both disprove and propagate stereotypes, providing opportunities due to the ubiquity of the language, although not to everyone. This study aims to evaluate the success of English in secondary education, if it effectively gives opportunities and opens students to new cultures and if it raises awareness about racism. A survey was conducted with 406 students of Compulsory Secondary Education 1st and 4th grades at three schools in the Community of Madrid. We hypothesized that bilingual education students would be more open to difference and to new opportunities and would be more likely to recognize and challenge discrimination. The study found no significant differences in the responses given at the three schools. We contend that formal education impeded truthful answers and that a more casual questionnaire would be more appropriate.


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Cómo citar

Racism: A challenge for bilingual education in Madrid. (2022). Educação E Pesquisa, 48(contínuo), e240475. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1678-4634202248240475eng