Transmission of psychoanalysis to educators: from the pedagogic idela to real educational (trans)mission


  • Sandra Francesca Conte de Almeida Universidade de Brasília; Instituto de Psicologia



Transmission of psychoanalysis, Formation of the analyst, Formation of the teacher, Transmission and style, Psychoanalysis and education


The transmission of psychoanalysis to educators interrogates the analyst as to the meaning of his/ her act and the destination of the transference, as the transmission of psychoanalysis’ knowledge is directed towards another, the educator, who is situated in a setting, which is foreign to the psychoanalytic field. The article sets up a distinction between transmission and teaching, pointing out the radical difference between the formation of the analyst, that puts into action the transmission of psychoanalysis in its intention, taking into account the three dimensions that encompass it, by means of the transmission of a style, and the formation of educators, even when they allow themselves to be affected by the transference process in the transmission of psychoanalysis in extension, in its teaching dimension.


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How to Cite

Almeida, S. F. C. de. (2006). Transmission of psychoanalysis to educators: from the pedagogic idela to real educational (trans)mission. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 11(21), 14-23.