The emerging rizotonic participles in Brazilian Portuguese and its historical genesis
Historical linguistics, Rhizotonic participles, Erudite derivation, Intensive verbs, Analytic passiveAbstract
This work aims to investigate the historical formation of emergent rhizotonic participles in Brazilian Portuguese (such as: “tinha falo, tinha compro, tinha chego, tinha perco, tinha trago, tinha escrevo, tinha faço,” among others), from two basic questions: where does the positive social and/or stylistic evaluation for rhizotonic forms (not only the emergent ones, but all of them) come from; and how this emergent variant appears apparently mirrored in the form of the first person of the present indicative. Regarding the first question, the work suggests that the beginning of the prestigious valorization of the rhizotonic forms is correlated to the processes of erudite derivation intensified during the period of “classic Portuguese,” around the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. As for the second question, the data suggest that this variant appears in medieval Romance, from - among other processes - verbs with an intensive aspect, which from the fourth century onwards had their employment restricted to analytical passive constructions.
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