Studies on the transmission process of Grande sertão: veredas, a book by Guimarães Rosa, in portuguese textbooks


  • Josenilce Rodrigues de Oliveira Barreto Universidade de São Paulo
  • Manoel Mourivaldo Santiago-Almeida Universidade de São Paulo



Textual Criticism, Grande sertão: veredas, Portuguese textbooks


Through this research, we aim to carry out an investigation about the transmission process which the text Grande sertão: veredas (1967), by Guimarães Rosa, experienced until it arrived, as a final product, at the hands of the students and teachers from the basic education, mainly through the portuguese textbooks or LDLP (Livro Didático de Língua Portuguesa). In order to do so, we collected thirteen of these portuguese textbooks (LDLPs), from which only six of them presented mention or fragments coming from the text. From there on, we compared  the fragments of Grande Sertão: veredas found in the textbooks and the original text, which is defined as the fifth edition of the work, published in 1967, while the author was still alive. From such comparison, we detected some textual mutilations regarding the addition, omission, alteration or replacement of punctuation, words, phrases or whole passages, which may interfere dramatically on the understanding and knowledge of the text itself, since many students have access to literature only through such textbook materials. In order to carry out the research, we focused on the theoretical-methodological precepts of Blecua (1983), Cambraia (2005), Spaggiari and Perugi (2004) and Spina (1994) – they all discuss the labor of the text critics, as well as the transmission process of literary texts.


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Author Biography

  • Josenilce Rodrigues de Oliveira Barreto, Universidade de São Paulo

    Doutoranda em Filologia e Língua Portuguesa pelo Departamento de Letras Vernáculas, área Filologia e Linguística. Professora da Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia.


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How to Cite

Barreto, J. R. de O., & Santiago-Almeida, M. M. (2019). Studies on the transmission process of Grande sertão: veredas, a book by Guimarães Rosa, in portuguese textbooks. Filologia E Linguística Portuguesa, 21(1), 43-60.