Dialogues with Marcuschi: sociocognition, argumentation and teaching


  • Zilda Gaspar Oliveira de Aquino Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo
  • Renata Palumbo Centro Universitário Carlos Drummond de Andrade




Sociocognition, Comprehension, Argumentation, Teaching


Studies that interweave cognitive science to the questions about human interactions via languages in Brazil have, in Marcuschi, one of its main exponents, because the author has dedicated himself to the semantic, pragmatic, referential and inferential, constitutive and constituent elements of orality and writing and their productions of meaning from a sociocognitive perspective, which was underexplored at the time when the author began to develop its works in the 70's. We established dialogues with these Marcuschi studies, relating them to the teaching of argumentation, in order to understand specific processes of learning in the area of Portuguese Language. We examined the responses of an argumentative teaching activity performed by twenty-one undergraduate students with attention focused on the cognitive and linguistic mechanisms activated for comprehension. After the analysis, we can affirm that the teaching-learning of the argumentation must consider the stages of the processes and the cognitive activities of the students, since it is by its cognitive activation that students can understand argumentative discursive genres, as well as reach certain mental states, but not finished, as is the opinion.


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Author Biography

  • Zilda Gaspar Oliveira de Aquino, Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo

    Master's at Language from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1991) and Ph.D. at Linguistics from Universidade de São Paulo (1997). Has experience in Language, focusing on Portuguese Language, acting on the following subjects: critical discourse analisys, media discourse, political discourse, argumentation theory, spoken and written language in synchronic and diachronic perspectives, applied linguistics.


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How to Cite

Aquino, Z. G. O. de, & Palumbo, R. (2019). Dialogues with Marcuschi: sociocognition, argumentation and teaching. Filologia E Linguística Portuguesa, 21(1), 9-24. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2176-9419.v21i1p9-24