The linguistic-discursive movement in writing acquisition: approaching additive junction mechanisms in the construction of meanings of a text


  • Lúcia Regiane Lopes Damasio UNESP



Writing acquisition, Junction mechanisms, Heterogeneity of writing, Discursive tradition


This article analyzes junction mechanisms, along with additional meaning, in different discursive traditions made by subjects who are acquiring writing abilities, based on the hypothesis that subjects are guided by what they recognize as fixed and lacunar elements in the text, leaving traces of this recognition habits on their writing. In this regard, this article adopts a theoretical and methodological framework, in which the description of infantile writing is based on joint consideration of linguistics and discursive aspects, which allow the recognition, in writing, of these traces through the functioning of the junction mechanisms. The results of this study, analyzed from qualitative and quantitative perspectives, indicate that oral discursive practices, in textual traditions that are formed in the spoken language, lie in the origin of stablished relationships between the subjects and their written text, considering the horizontal and vertical axis of analysis of junction mechanisms. This illustrates the linguistic-discursive movement in writing acquisition.


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How to Cite

Damasio, L. R. L. (2019). The linguistic-discursive movement in writing acquisition: approaching additive junction mechanisms in the construction of meanings of a text. Filologia E Linguística Portuguesa, 21(2), 147-170.