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Do you trust the editions you read?


  • Carlos Eduardo Mendes de Moraes UNESP - Faculdade de Ciências e Letras de Assis



Edition, Manuscript, Printed


In the research of printed texts and manuscripts, an important question is how to treat the sources in the preparation of a corpus. The problem reaches the researcher of Philological studies due to its object, the written text. These reflections are beyond the knowledge of language, because they deal with the need of knowing different versions that a text may present in its printed tradition. On one hand, there are particularities in the universe of ancient printed texts. On the other hand, there is the totality of manuscript works. It is not only about establishing criteria to qualify the support or form. It is not only about creating stronger prejudices that lead to the preference for an edition, version or manuscript either. Mainly, it is about understanding that the processes of edition, publication and spread of texts are extremely complex and its awareness as far as methodological positions are adopted to develop corpora’s researches.


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How to Cite

de Moraes, C. E. M. (2020). Do you trust the editions you read?. Filologia E Linguística Portuguesa, 22(Especial), 51-64.