The logical foundation of the Greek Grammar normativism and its relationship with the absense of the innovation and linguistic change taked as a theoretical study object
Normativism, Greek Grammar, Innovation and linguistic change, MetaphysicsAbstract
The main goal of this paper is to show, in a historical background, that the normative character, largely known, of the tradicional grammar in his greek version is not only due to the work of preservation of the classical texts. This task was actually, taking Aristotle as the first systematizer of the philosophical knowledge of his period, preceded by the search of a language able to hold the ontological task of the metaphysics. The attempt by Aristotle to eliminate the ambiguity and intentionality aiming a kind of accurate philophical language and the foundation of metaphysics in a time when the study of language wasn’t yet established as an autonomous theory discouraged the innovation or the linguistic change as a legitimate study object.
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- 2021-12-30 (3)
- 2022-07-05 (2)
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