Construction of meaning mediated by comics in the class of Portuguese as a Heritage Language


  • Brízzida Caldeira Aix-Marseille Université



PHL teaching-learning, Construction of meaning, Comics


In this paper, the role of socialization in language use (Duff; Talmy, 2011) for language development from conceptual integration (Fauconnier; Turner, 2002) is discussed.  To this end, we qualitatively analyze a practice carried out with a student of heritage language Portuguese in a French private course The class contemplates the exploration of a comic book of the character Papa-Capim (Maurício de Sousa) and propitiates the oral co-construction of a narrative (Bruner, 1991) in HL. The iconic language of the comic and the conversational state established by the teacher provide clues for the activation of Idealized Cognitive Models (Lakoff, 1987) that structure the conceptual integration process that creates new meanings in HL. The results reveal that, in addition to the verbo-visual clues, the comics provide an opportunity for linguistic exposure and the development of discursive, linguistic, and cultural aspects. The pedagogical practice also favored the realization of intratextual and extratextual inferences in HL, based on the knowledge available in the student's long-term memory (Ackerman, 1988; Cain; Oakhill; Bryant, 2000; Oliveira, 2014).


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How to Cite

Caldeira, B. (2022). Construction of meaning mediated by comics in the class of Portuguese as a Heritage Language . Filologia E Linguística Portuguesa, 24(2), 245-264.