Infantile cognitive semiosis: A continuous poetry


  • Maria José Palo Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo



Literature, Art, Poetry, Language experience, Childhood cognitive semiosis


Cognition is formed within the mind of the interpreter, either it turns into a habit or it turns into a certain way of behaving mentally which offers the interpreter mental models within similar circumstances. Its multiple roots create patterns of ideas which teach us how to see and think (Deleuze; Guattari, 2012). This cognitive activity mediates between feeling and volition and correspondence with the sign in semiosis, by exercising signification within signification. Another praxis emerges from cognition guided by perception privileged by Literature and Art by their language open to coordination of human action (Maturana, 2001). In regards to the individual, cognitive semiosis arranges the ambivalence and predominant importance of the translated object of knowledge within learning by sign and performance systems. It is understood that the conjugation of these cognitive and aesthetic aspects acts as a medium of exploration of the specific nature of literature for children called poeticity, which privileges the movement of recreation and interpretation of future potentialities (Agamben, 2008). This metacritical poetic movement – Semiosis – projects a way of constructing patterns of knowledge, of information and of learning with elements of the experience of language or of a continued poetry of signs, or of an Infantile cognitive semiosis in response.


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How to Cite

Palo, M. J. (2022). Infantile cognitive semiosis: A continuous poetry. Filologia E Linguística Portuguesa, 24(2), 215-226.