Interface between human language, consciousness and emotion


  • Mônica Maria Soares Santos Universidade de São Paulo
  • Renata Barbosa Vicente Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco



Conscience, Emotion, Language


Considering the increase in human life expectancy and the consequent increase in the number of elderly people in the world, the present work aims to present human consciousness and emotion from the perspective of Damásio (2000; 2011), as well as, based on recent studies, the impacts of the latter on language. Under the focus of different theories of Cognition and Linguistics, these studies showed positive and negative results of emotion on human language and the consequent quality of life of the elderly. Thus, Soares Santos (2021) demonstrates that emotion, caused by music, favors the rescue of linguistic awareness, lost with Alzheimer's disease, while Vicente (2014, 2020), recognizes the different levels of processing in the production of the text. argumentative-essay - mind, conscious mind and conscious mind capable of producing culture materialized in the texts produced by individuals and in an Extension Project entitled "Discoveries of the best age: beyond the walls of the university", carried out at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) , in which he clarifies, through playful activities, which situations of tension can negatively and emotionally impact the elderly.


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How to Cite

Santos, M. M. S. ., & Vicente, R. B. . (2022). Interface between human language, consciousness and emotion. Filologia E Linguística Portuguesa, 24(2), 147-159.