The importance of linguistic studies in improving Google Translate: language, neuroscience and artificial intelligence
Language, Translation, Neuroscience, Artificial inteligenceAbstract
The objective of this work is to present the analysis of the translation of the song They don't care about us by the singer Michael Jackson, through the Google Translate tool, reflecting how the interrelation of linguistic, neuroscientific and artificial intelligence studies can contribute for the improvement of the Google Translate tool. The methodological approach of this research is qualitative and is linked to studies in language (Dik, 1989; Givón, 1989), neuroscience (Consenza; Guerra, 2011; Herculano-Houzel, 2012) and artificial intelligence (Russell; Norvig, 2004; Othero, 2005). The analyzes in this work showed that the translation processes are not efficient, disregarding the cognitive and pragmatic-discursive aspects, since the syntax (coding) reflects this relationship. Even so, it was noticed that the Google Translator tool presented significant linguistic advances, especially for having in its processing the technology of Artificial Neural Networks. The program already shows advances in the construction of sentences syntactically and semantically suited to the communicative context, in Brazilian Portuguese, but there is still a need for studies in artificial intelligence to consider linguistic research, because “language” is not just the execution of speech/writing, but a whole linguistic, discursive and cognitive apparatus that mediates sociocultural relations through language.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Kelly Cristhel do Nascimento Pimentel, Lennie Aryete Dias Pereira Bertoque

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