Tornadoes, Synoptic conditions, Media, Perception.Abstract
The study evaluated the atmospheric conditions that generated some tornadoes on 29 March 2006 in Piracicaba and Santa Bárbara d’Oeste, as well as the physical characteristics of the areas. It also collected the impacts in several sources, including media, municipalities and civil defense, and by application of questionnaires, the perception of the local population. In Santa Bárbara d’Oeste there were 15 people injured, one death, many displaced people and high loses. In Piracicaba loses in the urban area were estimated in R$ 1,5 million, besides 350 thousand of Ton of sugar cane that fell down; wind speed reached at least 158 km/h, affecting public services, and damaged around de 3% of the trees. By the analysis of the news it was possible to recognize the general dimension of the phenomenon, but several inconsistent information were detected. In general, the perception of the population corresponded to the physical reality of the phenomenon. By the responses one can infer that Santa Bárbara d’Oeste experienced more registers of similar phenomena.Downloads
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