Teaching reading strategies in the early years for training professional indexing readers: systematic literature mapping
Reading strategies, Professional reader, Reading practices, IndexingAbstract
Reading strategies help the professional reader to read faster and considering the author’s ideas and, to develop them, prior knowledge of the reading strategies taught in the initial years of training is necessary. To study the reading strategies taught in the early years, understand how they are used and what contributions they bring to training a professional reader, a qualitative literature review research was carried out, using the systematic mapping methodology, which made it possible to survey relevant research on the topic of interest. It was found that reading is considered very important for the integral formation of the student, and is one of the main means of access to knowledge, and that the use of reading strategies enable greater textual understanding. It was found that the prior knowledge brought by the student is also fundamental for the process of understanding the text, and is essential for the formation of good readers. In conclusion, guaranteeing libraries in schools with librarianship professionals to carry out reading projects together with teachers and students is essential, and pursuing the continuing education of teachers, so that they can improve their pedagogical practices, is paramount.
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