About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Revista de Italianística is a journal of the Graduate Program in Italian Language, Literature and Culture, at the Faculty of Philosophy, Literature, and Human Sciences - University of São Paulo. With issues dedicated alternately to linguistic and literary studies, to disseminate the scientific production of national and foreign researchers associated with the area of Italianistics.
Founded in 1993, the journal accepts unpublished works in the form of articles, essays, translations, and reviews, focused on the study of the Italian language, literature, culture, and related areas.
Among the topics of interest are: Italian literature, literary criticism, the translation and reception of Italian works in Brazil, and Brazilian works in Italy, the teaching and learning of Italian as a second/additional language, the analysis and elaboration of didactic material, teacher training, the Italian language from different theoretical perspectives, Italian immigration in Brazil and cultural and artistic relations between Italy and Brazil.
Articles can be submitted on the platform at any time, regardless of calls in progress (continuous flow). For submission, the authors must register in the system, according to the Conditions for submission, and observe the indications contained in the sections: Blind peer review and Guidelines for authors.
After the internal screening, the submission is forwarded for external evaluation by expert reviewers on the subject in question. The evaluation of the contributions follows the double-blind pattern, preserving the anonymity of both the author and the reviewer.
The texts can be written in Italian or Portuguese, and must contain title, abstract, and keywords in three languages: Italian, English, and Portuguese. When submitted, texts must observe all items of the Guidelines for authors.
Peer Review Process
All texts submitted for publication will be forwarded for double blind peer review to two ad hoc reviewers, who will evaluate the works, according to the guidelines of the Revista de Italianística, recommending or not the publication, or even suggesting the changes deemed necessary. In case one opinion is favorable and the other contrary, the work will be sent to a third ad hoc reviewer. The author undertakes to make the necessary changes within the period stipulated by the editors. Otherwise, there will be no guarantee of publication in the foreseen number.
To ensure blind evaluation, all authorship marks must be excluded, including references to research groups, titles of academic works presented/defended (communication, dissertation, thesis, etc.), or names of departments and/or advisors to which the authors are linked, among others. When necessary, the authors may indicate in the text, replacing deleted excerpts, the following words: “excerpt removed to preserve the blind evaluation”.
Any mention of the authors' names in the submitted work, both in the body of the text and in the references, must be replaced by the word AUTHOR. If the article is approved, the information will be included in the version to be published.
In all submitted documents, the authorship identification must also be removed from the file properties.
Free Access Policy
This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.