Dante’s Sentences to Exile and Death: Translation of the Texts and a few Thoughts





Dante Alighieri, Exile, Sentence, Florentine history, Divine Comedy


This contribution provides a Portuguese translation of the sentences that banned Dante from Florence on 27th January 1302 and subsequently converted the first condemnation into the death penalty, on 10th March 1302. To enhance the understanding of these texts, a brief outline of the Florentine institutions at the time of these condemnations is first sketched and then followed by some information on the sentences’ structure, procedure and transmission. Finally, a few thoughts are put forward concerning the interesting rhetorical preface that opens the first condemnation in the group that includes Dante’s sentence to exile. It is argued that, given Dante’s attempt to reestablish his reputation and his repeated declarations concerning his own exile, this preface might be one of the important texts that the poet is addressing in the opening of his Comedy.


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How to Cite

Aubert, E. H. (2021). Dante’s Sentences to Exile and Death: Translation of the Texts and a few Thoughts. Revista De Italianística, 43, 3-22. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-8281.i43p3-22