Bloom’s Taxonomy as a Strategy to Improve Textbooks for Critical Teaching in LE (Italian)




Textbooks, Bloom’s taxonomy, LE teaching, Critical approach


Customarily, teaching books are pedagogical materials considered mandatory in the teaching/learning of foreign languages (FL). However, in a communicative approach, such materials end up being criticized for not fully helping students and teachers to achieve their primary goal, which is to fully develop the four skills in the (FL). Without reaching competence in these four abilities, it becomes even more difficult for the teacher to foster students’ critical thinking, so that they are able to analyze, assess situations and effectively act in the FL. The present work aims to present an analysis of two textbooks of Italian as a foreign language: Al Dente 1 (2017) and Arrivederci 1 (2011), based on Bloom Revised Taxonomy (FERRAZ; BELHOT, 2010), which seeks to hierarchically classify, sort and categorize the learning objectives according to the levels of cognitive complexity desired and planned in the activities proposed in the classroom (MENDES, 2019). The observation of these results allowed us to conclude that, although the books present themselves as materials resources that help in the development of the four skills, most of the activities seem to point to the development of understanding/comprehensive skills, because the commands given to students are mainly in the first two categories proposed by Bloom: Remember and Understand. It is from this analysis that we suggest a
proposal to improve textbooks so that the other cognitive objectives of Bloom’s Taxonomy are extensively addressed, helping students to develop the ability to analyze communicative situations more critically. 


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Author Biographies

  • Ana Paula Miranda Mendes, Universidade Federal do Paraná

    Ana Paula Miranda Mendes is a student of the Graduate Program in Letters of the University Federal do Paraná and holds a double degree in Portuguese and Italian Letters from the same university. She mainly studies language teaching and learning.

  • Paula Garcia de Freitas, Universidade Federal do Paraná

    Paula Garcia de Freitas has a Doctor’s Degree in Linguistics from the University Federal de  Santa Catarina and is a professor in the course of Letters - Portuguese and Italian at the University Federal do Paraná, as well as in the Graduate Program at the same university. She works mainly in training of language teachers and teaching and learning (of languages). 


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How to Cite

Mendes, A. P. M. ., & Freitas, P. G. de. (2022). Bloom’s Taxonomy as a Strategy to Improve Textbooks for Critical Teaching in LE (Italian). Revista De Italianística, 44, 38-51.