The Presumed Recipient-Visitor in the Scientific Divulgation Exhibition of Catavento Cultural
Presumed Recipient, Bakhtin Circle, Scientific Dissemination, Catavento Cultural and Educacional, UtteranceAbstract
The dialogical theory developed in Bakhtin Circle’s works professes that a constitutive property of the utterance is their target to someone, which means the fact of being intended to their recipient, which considers presumably shared points of view, valuations, currents and theories. In that perspective, the course of the verbal discourse in function of an interlocutor/reader assumes a huge relevance in the process of its own construction. This conduction is reified in the stylistic, compositional and thematic choices and in the evaluative intonations of every statement. Thereby, considering the Bakhtin Circle’s reflections, this article aims to analyses the verbovisual utterances that composes the exhibitions of scientific dissemination propagated by Catavento Cultural e Educacional institution, located in São Paulo, aiming to emphasize to whom the utterances of the exhibitions are directed and how this targeting is reflected in the essential elements of the expositive utterances. The analysis undertaken revealed that the visitor-recipient is identified in a different way from the perception of his perceivable background of knowledge by the author and his relationship with the object.
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