Oedipus, G.H. and the drama of existence: heroism in de-heroization
Oedipus and GH, Existential drama, Tragic heroism, Literary criticism, Comparative literatureAbstract
This study analyzes the protagonists of the works The Passion According to G.H. (1964), by Clarice Lispector, and Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles, discussing the figure of the tragic hero from a comparative perspective. Oedipus, a tragic figure, is crossed by the ambiguities and tensions of his existence. In Lispector's novel, the character/narrator, identified solely by her initials, traverses the existential path, falls into the abyss of her existence, and witnesses her life collapse. Therefore, this analysis focuses its discussion on the characters Oedipus and G.H. as tragic heroes, and proposes a reading on the de-heroization of the characters, which is seen as an act of heroism, i.e., the passage through existence that depersonalizes the characters exemplifies the virtue of the tragic hero: the search for the self.
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