The teaching of argumentation in Argentina and Brazil: similarities and differences in curriculum guidelines
Mother tongue , Argumentation development , Comparative discourse analysis , BNCC , NAPAbstract
Considering the demands for universal compliance of school education in the countries of the South American region, this paper aims to discuss how curriculum guidelines, in Argentina and Brazil, propose the development of argumentation in the mother language component. We then outline a comparative discourse analysis that observes how each discursive culture in focus develops its perceptions regarding the teaching of argumentation. Our corpus focuses on the language practices in the curriculum guidelines documents for high school in Argentina, Núcleos de Aprendizagen Prioritarios, and in Brazil, Base Nacional Comum Curricular. We conclude that the discourses related to the teaching of argumentation suggest some similarities regarding the absence of a theoretical basis to reflect upon the development of this expertise. Such a gap unfolds in similarly divergent patterns, regarding the absence of a concrete teaching of argumentation that goes beyond the performance in exams and external evaluations.
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