Approach to text genres in the Portuguese language Enem’s questions
Sociodiscursive Interactionism, Contextual dimension of gender, Linguistic dimension of genderAbstract
This work aims to analyze the treatment given to the text genre and its contextual and linguistic dimensions in questions of the ENEM tests in “Languages, codes and their technologies”, specifically in the Portuguese language. From this perspective, we pose the following question: are these dimensions addressed to understand gender as such? For this, we carried out a quantitative and qualitative survey of the regular Enem tests, covering the period from 2015 to 2020. As a theoretical basis for this analysis, we adhere to the assumptions of Sociodiscursive Interactionism, in the predominantly descending analysis of genres and the treatment of the text as a complex system, for which the text consists of two faces, a social dimension and a linguistic dimension.
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