Multiliteracies in the teaching of emancipatory argumentation
Argumentation, Social Practice, Literacy Project, Learning and Teaching, Elementary SchoolAbstract
Communicative practices in contemporary society require a social use of language that presents another meaning to conventional reading and writing practices. Within these practices, there are situations in which it is necessary to argue to have an active role in the world while searching for the assurance of rights. By acknowledging the need to invest in those practices, this article analyzes the potential of multiliteracy in teaching argumentation as an emancipatory social practice. This became possible thanks to the literacy project (LP) which was developed in a 5th-grade class at a public elementary school in Rio Grande do Norte. To do so, we utilized part of the data that focused on the activities and discursive genres that arose in the development of the LP. Results from the analysis point to both the transformation of the meaning of reading, writing, listening, and speaking practices as well as the oral production of printed, digital, multisemiotic, multimedia texts and to the multiliteracy potential to transform students and educators into agents that argue considering the social variations, focal point in teaching argumentation through an emancipatory perspective.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Júlio Cézar Dantas de Araújo, Glícia Azevedo, Débora Praxedes Morais

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