How magazines, newspapers, and the internet impact the production of the discursive genre of journalism
Speech Genres, Bakhtin Circle, Journalism, Internet, ReportageAbstract
In ‘Speech Genres and Other Late Essays’ written between 1952 and 1953, Bakhtin defined discursive genres as stylistic, thematic, and compositional utterances that are relatively stable. However, this reflection was made in a pre-internet context, without considering the impacts that mediums such as paper, radio, television, or more recently, computers and mobile devices have on genres. According to Bertocchi, genres cannot be defined solely by their prototypical structure and theme since the medium can also generate new types of utterances. Supporting this line of reasoning, this article identified that, in journalism, the medium can interfere with the discursive genre used. Thus, the differences between website reportage (cyber-reportage), newspaper reportage, and magazine reportage were systematized. The reflections made here were based on the Bakhtin Circle and an unpublished interview with journalist Fernando de Barros, former editor of Folha de S. Paulo and former director of Piauí magazine.
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