Psychic sufferings of young people in “life skills group” from the perspectives of mental health literacy and multimodality
Mental health literacy, Multimodality, Teenagers, Life Skills Group, Psychological sufferingAbstract
This article aims to present excerpts from work developed in the areas of mental health literacy (MHL) and multimodality, with adolescents who, as part of the “Life Skills Group”, reflected on their psychological suffering and alternatives aimed at their emotional well-being. Mental health literacy refers to knowledge and beliefs related to mental disorders that aid in their recognition, management, and prevention. This includes the ability to identify specific disorders, seek information about mental health, understand risk factors and causes of disorders, know available treatments, and possess attitudes that encourage appropriate support-seeking. Through this work developed from a transdisciplinary perspective between health and language fields, the goal was to expand these young people's understanding of mental health, aiming to combat the stigma associated with mental disorders and encouraging support-seeking.
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