Evaluation of the implementation process of the #Tamojunto2.0 prevention program in Brazilian schools
Implementation science, Program evaluation, Drug abuse prevention, Adolescents, SchoolsAbstract
The #Tamojunto2.0 program (Unplugged) has been evaluated in Brazil in order to support its implementation as a national public policy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation process of the #Tamojunto2.0 school-based program, disseminated by the Ministry of Health, in the prevention of alcohol and other drug use among adolescents. This is a mixed-methods study. The sample consisted of 13 teachers and eight managers of 8th grade classes of elementary education public schools located in two cities, and a training provider professional for the program’s application. Observation, evaluation and semi-structured interview forms were used. Descriptive and thematic analyses were performed. The results indicate low implementation fidelity, good quality in the application of the program, and high student absenteeism. Aspects which facilitate or hinder implementation of the program are also presented. Such results are relevant for the large-scale implementation of #Tamojunto2.0.
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Márcia Helena da Silva Melo is a Professor of the Instituto de Psicologia of the Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo-SP, Brazil.
Iara da Silva Freitas is a Ph.D. candidate of the Instituto de Psicologia at the Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo-SP, Brazil.
Luiza Chagas Brandão is a Ph.D. candidate of the Instituto de Psicologia at the Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo-SP, Brazil.
Fabiane do Amaral Gubert is a Professor of the Departamento de Enfermagem of the Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza-CE, Brazil.
Lidiane Nogueira Rebouças is a Coordinator of the Secretaria da Proteção Social, Justiça, Cidadania, Mulheres e Direitos Humanos do Governo do Estado do Ceará, Fortaleza-CE, Brazil.
Zila van der Meer Sanchez is a Professor of the Preventive Medicine Department of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo-SP, Brazil.

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