Social competence at school: effectiveness of a teaching at distance program for teachers
Social skills, Academic learning, Professional education, Distance education, EffectivenessAbstract
Social skills programs usually take place face-to-face in small groups. Aiming at greater reach and dissemination, this study had the objective of experimentally evaluating the impact of a distance learning program on teachers’ social and social educational skills and on students’ socio-emotional development (social skills and behavior problems). Scores obtained with standardized scales in a sample of 35 teachers (15 from the experimental group and 20 from the control) and 231 students (103 and 128, respectively) were statistically analyzed by comparing groups and moments. The results evidenced the program’s effectiveness on the teachers’ social and social pedagogical competence and on the students’ social emotional development, especially among those most compromised in social skills and behavior problems. The program’s potentially effective ingredients, the innovative character of the Distance Education applied to the field of social skills and teacher education are discussed, as well as its limitations and directions for future research.
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