Abelisauroidea (Theropoda, Dinosauria) from Africa: a review of the fossil record





Abelisauroidea, Abelisauridae, Noasauridae, Africa, Fossil, Record


The Continental African abelisauroid theropod dinosaur fossil record from the Jurassic-Cretaceous periods is becoming increasingly better understood, and offers great insight into the evolution and biogeography of this long-lived group of carnivores. Abelisauroidea is among the most familiar groups of theropod dinosaurs from Gondwana, with fossil records in South America, Australia, India and Africa, along with Europe. The objective of the present study is to review the fossil record of abelisauroids in continental Africa. Based on the literature and records from the online databases “The Paleobiology Database” and “The Theropod Database”, we review the distribution of these theropods in Africa and comment on their evolution. The African continent is a major region of importance when it comes to 26 Abelisauroidea fossil findings, including records of both major subdivisions of the clade: the Abelisauridae and Noasauridae families. The oldest Abelisauroidea fossil record found in Africa dates from the Late Jurassic, while the final records date from the end of the Cretaceous. This indicates that clade was the longest surviving lineage of the large theropods of Africa, and they filled a variety of ecological roles, including apex predators, at the end of the Cretaceous, when tyrannosaurids occupied similar niches in the northern continents.


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Author Biography

  • Carlos Roberto dos Anjos Candeiro, Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Laboratório de Paleontologia e Evolução (LABPALEOEVO). Aparecida de Goiânia, GO, Brasil.

    Curso de Geologia, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Campus Aparecida de Goiânia


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How to Cite

Souza-Júnior, A. L. de, Candeiro, C. R. dos A., Vidal, L. da S., Brusatte, S. L., & Mortimer, M. (2023). Abelisauroidea (Theropoda, Dinosauria) from Africa: a review of the fossil record. Papéis Avulsos De Zoologia, 63, e202363019. https://doi.org/10.11606/1807-0205/2023.63.019