Medium and large sized mammals and the effect of habitat heterogeneity from a Caatinga shrubby forest at Serra de Santa Catarina, Paraíba, Brazil
Camera-trapping, Mammalian inventory, Habitat effect, Xeric environmentAbstract
In xeric environments, such as Caatinga Biome, habitat characteristics such as phytophysiognomy type and presence of water bodies can represent higher resource availability. In this context, the present study investigated the effect of phytophysiognomies and presence of water bodies in the abundance and community structure of medium and large mammal species (MLM) in the Serra de Santa Catarina, Paraíba, Brazil. To evaluate these variables we conduct an effort of 373 camera-trap days, between August 2012 and November 2014. We recorded 12 MLM species, distributed in six orders and 11 families. From those, Kerodon rupestris is the only one listed in the Brazilian List of Threatened Fauna. Regarding the habitat, the Mann-Whitney showed a significant higher frequency to the Shrubby habitat and the ANOSIM showed no shifts in the community structure between Arboreal and Shrubby. Concerning the presence of water bodies, both the Mann-Whitney and the ANOSIM showed significant higher frequency to the habitat with water presence. We observed that both phytophysiognomy and water bodies are important variables which affect mainly the abundance of mammalian species from semiarid environments. Nonetheless, whereas the forest remnants get smaller the existence of water bodies becomes a preponderant factor to the MLM species and its community structure.
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Brazilian Biodivesity Fund
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