Tawada Yoko beyond exophony
Tawada Yōko, postcolonialism, deconstruction, exophonyAbstract
The paper is based on the assumption that there is a parallax, within a selected Tawadian critical tradition, with regard to some terms, such as exophony and deconstruction. Rereading, within those selected arguments, a certain concept of origin for both, the paper relies on names from post-colonial theory, such as Homi K. Bhabha and Gayatri C. Spivak, as well as from deconstruction, such as Jacques Derrida, to reinterpret this concept and to understand, in this format, how such applied terms rely on the consequence of maintaining, and not overcoming, cultural difference. In this scenario, the paper presents some excerpts from Tawada Yōko, in both languages in which the author writes, to suggest other interpretative paths that continue to maintain the terms from the critical tradition, but keeping in mind that which will be constructed as aporetic throughout the argument.
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