Migrants and refugees in the city: recognition of the suffering and construction of “victims”
Inmigration, Refuge, Victim, Suffering, Humanitarianism, CityAbstract
The article describes and analyzes the discourses and actions of a network of government and non-government actors produced during a series of events – a public hearing, the creation of an emergency shelter and a festival – that aimed to make the migration issue visible as a contemporary problem. By analyzing these initiatives and the latest practices of the refugees and immigrants themselves, this article reflects on the articulation and interweaving of the implementation of rights within the humanitarianism in present-day Brazil. The argument is based on a multisituated ethnography of the relations of power that produced immigration and the immigrant subject as a particular type of subservient population of intervention through a complex network of actors, technologies, knowledge and relations in Porto Alegre and São Paulo between 2013 and 2016.
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