New developmentism, neoliberalism and the correlation of forces in the Lula’s and Dilma’s governments
Neoliberalism, New developmentism, Lulismo, Class struggleAbstract
The papper aims to analyze the political-economic neodevelopmental model, seeking to unveil the correlation between forces that allowed its implementation and that led to significant changes in the national context. We have tried to relate the government’s economic policy over the last few years to the movements of fractions of the Brazilian ruling class, the international situation and the economic performance that has directly influenced these policies. Thus, it is tried to demonstrate that the national politics was determined, in this period, mainly by the dispute between sectors of the dominant class. This dispute was made due to the contestation of the neoliberal hegemony in Brazil, supported by the financial fraction and which was counterbalanced by a neodevelopmental policy, which sought, in the federal government and the co-optation of the subaltern classes, to break with the dominance of the financial sectors. This dispute leads the country to a major political crisis, which culminated in the fall of the Dilma government and the erosion of new developmentism.
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