Da opressão à independência. A filosofia do amor em O Segundo Sexo [Autora: Manon Garcia]

“De l’oppression à l’indépendance. La philosophie de l’amour dans Le Deuxième Sexe [Autora: Manon Garcia]


  • Ana Flávia P. L. Bádue




filosofia do amor


In this essay, Manon Garcia analyzes the role played by the philosophy of love in Simone de Beauvoir’s approach on the feminine oppression. Garcia claims that, while love seems to be a minor issue in The Second Sex, it is actually fundamental to answer the question “What is a woman”. Garcia posits that love is central to Beauvoir’s analysis on women’s oppression to the extent that it constitutes the ideological foundation of the objectification of women and it structures the ambiguities of the lived experiences of oppression. At the same time, Garcia suggests that, to Beauvoir, love can be a resource to female emancipation on the individual level.


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Author Biography

  • Ana Flávia P. L. Bádue

    Doutoranda do Programa de Antropologia no The Graduate Center, City University of New York.


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How to Cite

Da opressão à independência. A filosofia do amor em O Segundo Sexo [Autora: Manon Garcia]: “De l’oppression à l’indépendance. La philosophie de l’amour dans Le Deuxième Sexe [Autora: Manon Garcia] (A. F. P. L. . Bádue , Trans.). (2024). Plural, 28(2), 184-202. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2176-8099.pcso.2021.193514