The struggles against oppression as driving the epistemologies of the South: for the promotion of cognitive justice


  • Flávia Ribeiro Amaro Universidade Metodista de São Paulo



 Artesian of practices, Ecology of knowledge, Intercultural translation, Sociology of absences and emergencies, Southern epistemologies


The article reflects about the formulations around the "southern epistemologies", elaborated by sociologist Portuguese Boaventura de Sousa Santos. The objective is to clarify the key concepts of his current thinking, such as: "abyssal line", "sociology of absences", "sociology of emergencies", "ecology of knowledge", "intercultural translation" and "artesian of practices". The author advocates for a "cognitive justice" and argues that, to achieve it, it is essential that there be a reformulation of westernocentric epistemological perspectives, with a view to including other ontologies and other forms of knowledge construction, non-extractivists, anticapitalisms and antipatriarchal. This strategy aims to build new ways of doing science and circumventing the epistemicide carried out by the conventional model. To this end, a literature review was carried out on the author's last works published in Brazil. With emphasis on the contributions of the book, "The end of the cognitive empire: The affirmation of southern epistemologies" (2022a).


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SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa (2002). Para uma sociologia das ausências e uma sociologia das emergências. Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 63, p. 237-289. (acesso em 14/02/ 2023).

SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa; MENESES, Maria Paula G.; NUNES, João Arriscado (2006). Conhecimento e transformação social: por uma ecologia de saberes. Hiléia- Revista de Direito Ambiental da Amazônia, Manaus, ano 4, n. 6, p. 11-103. (acesso em 12/02/2023).

SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa (2007). Para além do pensamento abissal: das linhas globais a uma ecologia de saberes. Novos Estudos, CEBRAP, 79. p. 71-94 (acesso em 10/02/ 2023).

SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa (2022a). O fim do império cognitivo: A afirmação das Epistemologias do Sul. Belo Horizonte: Editora Autêntica.

SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa (2022b). Descolonizar: abrindo a história do presente. Belo Horizonte: Editora Autêntica; São Paulo: Editora Boitempo.



How to Cite

Amaro, F. R. (2023). The struggles against oppression as driving the epistemologies of the South: for the promotion of cognitive justice. Plural, 30(02), 272-283.